Relationship between Creativity and its Obstacles.

I keep going back to this subject on work.
I must be a serious workaholic (not!).
Work in any types involving teamwork, it is not completable own its own.  I wrote that in my previous post, a work is in existent only in a relationship with the others. 

Having said that, if we break down what consists a work, there is a type or a part of work where we can tackle alone on our own, not necessary involving a teamwork.  A type of work such as writing.
Publishing and marketing the written work cannot be done alone but the initial writing part, coming up with something new, is up to a writer how one deals with it.  Leave the monetizing part then you are left on your own with nothing but you and a blank sheet of paper or a screen with blinking cursor.

When you are free on your own to write, create or produce anything you want, it becomes also a hardest thing to come up with.  A creativity without limit.  We'd think J. R. R. Tolkien being one amazing creative fantasy writer building a whole world from a scratch.  But in reality he had his story based on a extensive research and reading from the past ancient history, myth and bible.  (Still think he's amazing nevertheless)
I read an article that infuser of creativity is the very shackles that hinders the creativity.  In other words, we are better off left with those obstacles such as deadline, cost, policy or design than being allowed to create whatever we want from a scratch, no limitation.  Conditions or prerequisites that we think usually stop us from being creative are what encourages thecreativity.  Ironic.

Then I thought, why not make the facing and agonizing with a blank sheet of paper a required prerequisite that hinders hence nurtures my creativity?
That way this very obstacle is going to help me generate my creativity, right?

Umm... let's see if it works...

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