Defining our world with 100 novels by 10 categories.

On 5th of November 2019, BBC came up with a special programme on 100 novels that shaped our world.
Wide variety of novels selected by the panel are so interesting and stimulating themselves enough however what caught my attention was that they did this to find out what shaped our world.  Attention to the the subject, the categories shaping the world.

When you are to cover the world as a subject of studies it goes without saying it is a hard work.  Where do we start?  How do we dissect the world?  Especially for this case they are trying to find out what books shaped the world as we live, that is no easy task here.

Let's look at the categories the panel came up with.

1. Identity
2. Love, Sex & Romance
3. Adventure
4. Life, Death & Other Worlds
5. Politics, Power & Protest
6. Class & Society
7. Coming of Age
8. Family & Friendship
9. Crime & Conflict
10. Rule Breakers

Very daring and very convincing.
What a powerful list of words to explain the shaping of this world.
I have something to say and eventually write for each category listed here.
Hats off to the BBC Arts panel.  🎩 

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