(Image from BBC)

Ryūnosuke Akutagawa published a short story 'In a Grove' in 1922. 

This very story became the basis for the 1950 film from Akira Kurosawa 'Rashōmon', one of the first Japanese films to gain worldwide critical acclaim and also introducing a legendary star Toshiro Mifune.  

Having listened to this program urged me to watch the film again.  
The usage of locations (only 3 places!), reality of raining at Rashomon, lighting in the grove, dialogues, and how it leaves a shred of hope at the very end after dreadful continuation of lies or untruths rather, emphasizing what remains of humanity, doesn't seem to fade even to this day.   

Anyone interested in Akutagawa (Japanese literature), Kurosawa (Japanese movies)
this is a must listen!

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